How to Optimize Web App Performance

Web-based applications are an integral part of many businesses, from e-commerce sites to customer service systems as well as tools for managing content. If they’re slow to load or not responsive, it can be frustrating for users. A single second delay in load time can cause a loss of conversions for a web-based or mobile application, according to Google’s own study. If you run an online store, customers will abandon your website in a matter seconds if the checkout and shopping cart pages aren’t loading fast enough.

As the development and deployment of web apps continues to evolve making it more difficult to optimize them for performance is more challenging than ever. In this article, we’ll discuss the most important concepts you should know in order to improve web app performance. We’ll also look at some of the biggest villains in web performance, things that prevent your apps from running smoothly.

The key to improving performance is understanding the perspective of the user. This requires monitoring the user’s behavior to understand the app’s performance and what’s missing as opposed to what you believe it should be doing.

An excellent way to accomplish this is to leverage tools such as Chrome Lighthouse and PageSpeed Insights. These tools give a clear picture of the performance of your website on the devices of your customers, along with suggestions for improvement. Another way to boost the performance of your web application is to cut down on the size of downloads and bandwidth consumption. GZIP compression of text-based resources and making images smaller, as well as CSS and JavaScript features like async/defer, can all be useful.

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